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Wheel Alignment

Wheel Alignment for Safety and Savings

In this blog post, we will emphasise the importance of wheel alignment for both your safety and that of other road users. Additionally, we will shed light on the indicators of misaligned wheels, while illustrating how proper alignment can help you save on fuel and tyre costs.

Proper wheel alignment not only enhances tyre durability but also minimises the chances of accidents, ultimately lowering repair expenses.

At Shires Garage, we prioritise the safety of motorists in Taunton by providing exceptional customer service and utilising our team of proficient technicians to maintain your vehicle’s optimal roadworthiness.

Keep reading to broaden your knowledge on this crucial subject.

Wheel Alignment

What is wheel alignment?

Wheel alignment involves adjusting their angles, so they are parallel to one another and perpendicular to the ground. Wheel alignment is crucial to the handling, performance, and safety of a vehicle.

There are two types of wheel alignment: two-wheel alignment and four-wheel alignment.

A two-wheel alignment adjusts only the front wheels, also known as a front-end alignment. These alignments are generally recommended for vehicles with a solid rear axle, such as trucks and older cars. During a two-wheel alignment, Shires Garages technicians adjust the camber, caster, and toe-in of the front wheels to align them with the vehicle’s centerline.

Four-wheel alignment, or all-wheel alignment, refers to adjusting all four wheels at the same time. Modern cars and SUVs, as well as vehicles with independent rear suspension, benefit from this type of alignment. During a four-wheel alignment, our technicians at Shires Garage adjust the camber, caster, and toe-in of all four wheels to ensure that they are aligned with each other.

The alignment you need depends on the suspension design of your vehicle and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

What leads to wheel misalignment

There are several factors that can cause wheels to become misaligned. Rough roads or potholes are a common culprit, as well as collisions or hitting a curb. As a vehicle’s suspension and steering components age, the wheels may also become misaligned.

If you have experienced any of these problems and are unsure whether your wheels’ alignment has been compromised, there are some telltale signs to watch out for.

The tell-tale signs of misaligned wheels

There are several tell-tale signs that your wheels are misaligned. You should bring your vehicle to our technicians at Shires Garage for a wheel alignment check if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  1. Steering wheel off-centre: If the steering wheel isn’t centred while you’re driving straight, it may be a sign that the wheels are misaligned.
  2. Squealing tyres: Misaligned wheels may cause tyres to squeal, especially when turning.
  3. Difficulty handling the vehicle: Making sudden turns or driving at high speeds can be difficult when one of your wheels is misaligned.
  4. Vehicle pulling to one side: Misaligned wheels can even cause your vehicle to pull to the side on a straight road.
  5. Uneven tyre wear: The misalignment of wheels can result in uneven tyre wear. It is possible that one or more tyres are wearing down more quickly than the others.
  6. Reduced fuel efficiency: Misaligned wheels can increase tyre rolling resistance, increasing your vehicle’s fuel consumption.
  7. Vibration in the steering wheel: When driving at high speeds, steering wheel vibration may indicate misaligned wheels.

Whenever you notice any of these symptoms, we recommend that you have your wheels checked by our technicians at Shires Garage. Besides causing unnecessary tyre wear, wheel misalignment can also reduce fuel efficiency and pose a safety risk to you, your passengers and any other road users.

The benefits of correct wheel alignment

There are several benefits to aligning your wheels correctly, including:

  1. Better fuel efficiency: Correct wheel alignment reduces tyre resistance, reducing vehicle fuel consumption and improving fuel efficiency.
  2. Cost savings: You can save money on tyre replacements, fuel, and other vehicle repairs with the correct wheel alignment.
  3. Reduced strain on vehicle components: Misaligned wheels can cause unnecessary stress on your vehicle’s suspension and steering components, as well as expensive repairs. By aligning the wheels, you reduce the strain on the components and extend their life.
  4. Improved vehicle handling: Your vehicle’s steering and handling are improved when its wheels are aligned properly, particularly when cornering and driving at high speeds. In addition, it provides a smoother and more comfortable ride.
  5. Safer driving: Misaligned wheels may cause uneven tyre wear, causing handling problems and increased accident risk. Wheel alignment ensures that your vehicle handles correctly and, more importantly, reduces the risk of accidents.
  6. Longer tyre life: When your tyres are aligned, they last longer and wear evenly, saving you money.
  7. Improved driving comfort: Correctly aligned wheels make your vehicle ride smoothly and comfortably, making your driving experience less exhausting and more enjoyable.

Save money by aligning your wheels correctly

Saving money is possible when your wheels are properly aligned. The amount of savings depends on several factors, including the model of your vehicle, your driving habits, and how often you drive. Studies suggest that misaligned wheels can result in a 7% reduction in fuel efficiency. Your fuel efficiency can be improved, and fuel costs can be reduced by aligning your wheels properly.

For example, suppose you drive 15,000 miles each year in a car that averages 30 miles per gallon (mpg), and the cost of fuel is £6.60 per gallon. Your fuel costs could be reduced by up to £220 a year if your wheels are aligned correctly.

In addition, properly aligned wheels can prolong the life of your tyres, saving you money on tyre replacements. Misaligned wheels can cause expensive tyre replacements, so align your wheels correctly to avoid this. We can do this for you at Shires Garage.

Correctly aligning your wheels can save you a lot of money over time by avoiding premature tyre replacements, enhancing fuel efficiency, and reducing wear and tear; however, the real benefit comes from improving the safety of you, your passengers and other road users.

In Summary

In conclusion, proper wheel alignment is crucial for your safety, your vehicle’s roadworthiness, and your savings. From reducing tyre wear and fuel consumption to minimising the risk of accidents and repair expenses, the benefits of correct alignment are numerous.

So, if you suspect that your wheels may be misaligned, don’t hesitate to contact Shires Garage. Our experienced technicians will ensure that your vehicle is in optimal condition and that you can enjoy safe and efficient driving on the roads.

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