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claim for pothole damage

If you drive in and around Somerset, then you’ll be as aware as I am that we seem to have our fair share of potholes on our roads. You may have even hit one recently.

If you’ve experienced damage from a pothole, you may be entitled to compensation. However, navigating the process of making a claim can be daunting, and many people are unsure of their rights and how to go about making a claim.

In this blog, we’ll explore everything you need to know about checking for pothole damage and how to claim for damages in the UK. From understanding your rights as a road user to the steps you need to take to make a claim, we’ll guide you through the process and provide you with the information you need to make a successful claim. So whether you’ve already experienced damage from a pothole or want to be prepared in case it happens in the future, read on to find out more.

At Shires Garage, we are here to help. Let’s take a look at potholes and the damages that can occur!

claim for pothole damage

Check for Damage

If you’ve hit a pothole while driving, it’s important to check your car for any damage as soon as possible. Here are some checks you should do on your car:

  1. Check your tyres: Look for any visible damage, such as bulges or cuts, and check the tyre pressure. If you notice any changes in the handling or performance of your car, this could indicate a problem with your tyres.
  2. Check your wheels: Inspect your wheels for any cracks, dents, or other damage. This could affect the alignment of your car, leading to handling issues or uneven tyre wear.
  3. Check your suspension: If you hit a pothole at speed, this can cause damage to your car’s suspension. Look for any signs of damage or leaks, and check for unusual noises or vibrations when driving.
  4. Check your brakes: Test your brakes to ensure they are working correctly. If you notice any changes in the feel or responsiveness of your brakes, this could indicate a problem.
  5. Check your exhaust: Look for any visible damage or signs of a loose or damaged exhaust. A damaged exhaust can affect the performance of your car and also pose a safety risk.
  6. Check your steering: Test your steering to ensure it is working correctly. If you notice any changes in the feel or responsiveness of your steering, this could indicate a problem.

If you notice any damage to your car or have any concerns about its performance, it’s important you bring your car to Shires Garage as soon as possible. We can assess the damage and make any necessary repairs to ensure your car is safe to drive. Additionally, if you plan to make a claim for damage caused by the pothole, it’s important to have evidence of any damage to your car, so be sure to take photographs and keep any receipts for repairs.

claim for pothole damage

What are my rights as a road user to make a pothole damages claim?

As a road user in the UK, you have the right to make a claim for compensation if you have experienced damage to your vehicle or personal injury as a result of a pothole. However, there are certain criteria that must be met in order to make a successful claim.

Firstly, the pothole must be deemed to be the responsibility of the local council or highway authority. This means that the pothole must be on a public road, and not on private land. The council or authority is responsible for maintaining the road and ensuring that it is safe for road users.

Secondly, the pothole must meet a certain size criteria. In general, a pothole must be at least 40mm deep to be considered for compensation, although this can vary depending on the specific council or authority. If the pothole is smaller than this, it is unlikely that you will be able to make  claim.

Finally, you must be able to prove that the damage to your vehicle or personal injury was caused by the pothole. This may involve taking photographs of the pothole and the damage caused, as well as obtaining witness statements or CCTV footage if possible.

If you meet all of these criteria, you may have the right to make a claim for compensation. However, it is important to note that the process can be complex and time-consuming, so it is often advisable to seek the help of a legal professional who is experienced in dealing with these types of claims.

What is the process for claiming when I’ve hit a pothole?

If you hit a pothole, you should follow the steps below to maximise your chances of successfully claiming.

Collect All the Evidence

Compensation claims require evidence to be successful. By doing so, you will demonstrate to the relevant authority that their pothole caused the damage to your vehicle. Take photographs as soon as you can, even if you are annoyed when it first happens. Please include a photo of the pothole, the street it is on, and any damage your vehicle has sustained. In order to award compensation, the relevant authority will need the whole story.

Don’t forget to take notes about the incident as well. This can include the size, location and depth of the pothole. You may be able to win your compensation claim and receive money for the incident if you can provide all of this information. It is better to have more evidence since it gives you a better and more likely chance of winning the case.

Ask for Repair Costs

If you want to claim compensation, you need to know how much your vehicle will cost to repair. At Shires Garage, we can perform a vehicle health check and determine if repairs are necessary. You should keep the quotes and bills somewhere safe so that you have them readily available when you need them to support your claim.

claim for pothole damage

Contact The Authority Responsible for the Pothole

The first step in the process is to contact the local authority or the organisation responsible for the road. This will let them know there is a pothole and it caused damage to your vehicle. Make sure you send all your evidence over so they can take a look at it.

Contact the local council in the area if a pothole has caused damage on a local street near your home or on your way to work. However, if the incident occurred on an A-road or motorway, you will need to contact the relevant authority in the country.

In England, it is Highways England, Scotland has Transport Scotland, Wales uses Traffic Wales, and Northern Ireland has Department for Infrastructure. To submit your claim, you can find their contact information on their website. Send your evidence and state that you would like a response to your compensation claim.

Patience Is A Virtue

Next, you must wait to see the outcome of your compensation claim. It may take a while for your compensation to be processed. Claim processing may take only a few weeks if the process is straightforward, but it is not uncommon to take several months if the claim is complex.

You should be aware that your claim may be rejected. It is important to be prepared for this.

Escalate Your Claim

It is important to remember that not all compensation claims will be successful. If you still want to try and get your money back from car repairs, you can file a claim in Small Claims Court. We would say that you should only consider this option if you have a strong case for it. If you wish to bring a claim here, you will need to seek legal advice, and there are fees involved.

Help is at hand

Our primary goal at Shires Garage is to keep your vehicle safe and roadworthy. 

If you are looking for a garage that has experience in dealing with pothole damage repairs, and has knowledgeable and skilled mechanics who can diagnose and repair the damage to your car then call Shires Garage today. We offer high-quality repairs and excellent customer service and value.

Call our team at Shires Garage today!

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